• Agility DataBroker is a proven, scalable platform for secure, automated,
    federated data sharing, allowing organisations to share data with fine-
    grained control. Cooperation is achieved through mutual agreement by
    implementation of dynamically revisable Service Agreements which govern
    data access, use, deployment and distribution.
  • In Agility, an “organisation” can be any defined entity generating data, for
    example, an enterprise, an operating division, an individual or a single data
    source, such as a Trusted Research Environment (TRE).
  • For sharing of privacy-sensitive data, including Personal Health Data, Agility
    DataBroker contains specific Consent functionality to facilitate managed,
    automated data sharing which fully respects the express privacy
    preferences and rights of individuals.
  • Agility DataBroker is implemented as a modern Java-based overlay which is
    deployed as a standalone service at each organisation designated to interact
    in relation to shared data.

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